Several folks have expressed interest in writing for a second book in the shared Protectors world. So, it looks like this thing is going to take off into a shared world series. "The Alliance" is the next book planned.
I'm sorry I've been so pokey slow with Damson Dragon updates. I promise there's a lot more to come, but getting the new books ready has been eating up most of my writing time.
On the plus side, I will be a panel participant at Fencon next month in Dallas. Guest of Honor is the amazing CJ Cherryh!! If you're in the area, don't miss it! Fingers crossed. I'm hoping to have copies of both "What is a Hero?" and "The Protectors" to sign and read and generally show off.
And on the ridiculously awesome side, I just got some preliminary roughs of cover art for "The Protectors." Denis Loubet seriously rocks the art. He's been doing covers for video and tabletop games for a lot of years. His cover of Ultima Ascension is stunning.
Here's some of the thumbnail roughs he sent me.

That's Tesla Girl on the left, one of my characters, and Avenger Girl on the right, Marshall Maresca's character. Avenger Girl is a protege of Liberty, also Marshall's creation, who will be familiar to D Dragon readers.
I think I know which one I like best. What do you guys think? Which one would you pick?